Terms and Conditions (Please read before you PAY)
It is the customer’s responsibility to enquire about the terms and conditions applicable.
All article(s) purchased is/are final, return, refund & exchange will not be accepted,
we appreciate your patronage at Misutabai TOY.
感謝您對Misutabai TOY的惠顧。
Pay attention before order 購買前留意
預訂貨品之確實販售日期乃取決於供應商/生產商最終發行決定; 另亦受制於物流服務提供者之派送效率,
About Pre-order / Pre-order item shortage arrangement
All“pre-order”item(s) is on reservation basis, no amendment, cancellation or refund request will be accepted after pre-order payment completed.
The actual quantity obtained from the manufacturer/Supplier might vary from the total number we have ordered, We will contact the customer(s) who are not able to get the item that they wanted.
Final release date of the pre-order item(s) is solely determined by the manufacturer/Supplier; the actual delivery time would also be affected by the logistic service operator(s), we appreciate your understanding as these factors are beyond our control. Follow up action will take place in case the pre-ordered item could not be dispatched within 6 months after its official release date.
如閣下使用 支付寶/微信支付, 其中一款支付工具,如最終需要退款,
我們會以網站 購物金 退回,敬請留意。
或 轉數快: 我們會跟您聯絡索取轉數快編號FPS ID.
信用卡: 我們會直接退回該信用卡。
- 出貨日期如有所延誤;
- 貨品包裝外箱、內箱及產品盒用於保護產品免受破損,如有損毀、塗污或貼上任何外物如膠紙或快遞面單等;
- 圖片與產品的顏色或圖案如有所差別。
About Product release date & Dispatch date
Refer to official Japanese website on product release date, dispatch date determined by Hong Kong sole distributor.
Product is pre-sold item with limited quantities, once order is confirmed, no exchange or refund is allowed despite the following possibilities:
- Delay in dispatch date;
- Product is packaged with regular packing and enhanced with extra packaging for protection of product. Packaging may be damaged, dented, smeared, stained or posted with courier waybill etc.;
- Product colour and pattern may vary from picture on website.
About Product Packaging & Cardboard Box
Product packaging and carton box(es) are solely for packaging and delivery(regardless of material used), these are not considered as any part(s) or component(s) of the product itself. We strive to offer you quality product(s), nevertheless, the followings are beyond our control which are but not limited to: product production, product packing, product dispatching. Any request for exchange or refund related to imperfection of packaging or delivery box(es) will not be entertained, we appreciate your understanding.
About products exchange and return
Since no quality assurance system or verification has been established by the official product manufacturer(s) or supplier(s), all exchange or refund request will NOT be accepted due to possibility of imperfection, unpreferred presentation or any non-objective preference.
- 商品缺陷安排 為保障雙方,我們鼓勵顧客收到貨件後高清一鏡到底錄影開箱。 錄影必須在收到貨後兩天內完成。 影片應清楚顯示外箱狀況及完整未打開的封條及物流單、續打開後的內包裝狀況和產品缺陷。不接受只使用相片提交。
Product defect
To protect both parties, we encourage customers to take a high-definition, one-shot video of the unboxing after receiving the shipment. Video recording must be completed within two days after receipt of goods. The video should clearly show the condition of the outer box, complete unopened seals and logistics orders, the condition of the inner packaging after opening and product defects. Submissions using only photos will not be accepted.
About Bank transfer / Transferwise
Please ensure the amount you transferred is enough to cover ALL handling fee(s)
which is charged by the bank or financial institution, we cannot confirm the order if insufficient payment is received.
訂單上訂3件產品 就會以3件計,共HK$30/天,直至逾期費用超過產品貨價時,整張訂單會被取消及該訂單被視為無效,
或者可以聯絡我們更改為順豐 / JDL EXPRESS 寄出
or you can tell us to change deliver by SF express / JDL EXPRESS.
如果閣下因使用"轉數快", "支付寶/微信支付 香港/國內QR code" 或 "國際銀行轉帳服務" 而沒有於指定時間轉帳,
How do you be list in store BLACKLIST?
If you can't pay when you select "HK FPS" , "Alipay/Wechat QR code" or "international bank transfer/Transferwise" as your payment method.
Or when you want tp cancel the order for any personal reasons without understanding the above terms and conditions,
you will be BLACKLIST in our store.